Stainless steel pots have turned black and can't be scrubbed off with a steel wool ball! Here are two simple tricks to make it clean as new in just 3 minutes.


1.Potato peel cleaning method. Potato peels have certain cleaning abilities. Therefore, we can cleverly use potato peels to clean the bottom of stainless steel pots. Cut potato peels or radish peels can be dipped in a little salt and vigorously scrubbed on the bottom of the pot to remove a considerable amount of black dirt.

2.Tea residue cleaning method. Wrap tea residue in gauze and rub back and forth on the bottom of the stainless steel pot. You will find that the bottom of the pot becomes much cleaner, and using tea residue to clean the bottom of the pot can also prevent rusting.

3.Stainless steel cleaning paste. If you want the bottom of the pot to be as shiny as new without damaging it, the easiest and most convenient way is to use stainless steel cleaning paste. Using stainless steel cleaning paste to clean black pots can not only remove the blackness but also remove rust, restoring the original luster of the stainless steel pot.



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